Referred Paper |
C. Calef, C. Vilbrandt, J.R. Goodwin, J.M. Goodwin, "Making
It Realtime: Exploring the use of optimized realtime environments for historical
simulation and education,"6th International Conference
of Museums and the Web 2002 (17-20 April 2002, Boston, MA, USA), Archives & Museum Informatics, D. Bearman (Eds.) |
J.M. Goodwin, J.R. Goodwin, A. Pasko, G. Pasko, C. Vilbrandt,
"Dancing Buddhas: New Graphical Tools for Digital Cultural Heritage," 7th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia VSMMÕ01 (25-27
October 2001, University of California Berkeley, USA), IEEE Computer Society,
ISBN 0-7695-1402-2, 2001, pp.345-353. |
C. Vilbrandt, A. Pasko, G. Pasko, J.R. Goodwin, J.M. Goodwin,
"Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage through Constructive Modeling," International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting ichim01 (3-7 September 2001,
Politecnico di Milano, Italy), European Commission IST (Information Society Technologies)
Programme, D. Bearman and F. Garzotto (Eds.), Vol. 1, 2001, ISBN 1-885626-24-X,
pp. 183-200. |
G. Pasko, A. Pasko, C. Vilbrandt, T. Ikedo, "Virtual
Shikki and Sazaedo: ShapeModeling in Digital Preservation of Japanese Lacquer
Ware and Temples," Spring Conference on Computer
Graphics SCCG 2001 (25-28 April 2001, Budmerice, Slovakia), R. Durikovic, S. Czanner
(Eds.), IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 0-7695-1215-1, 2001, pp. 147-154. |
C. Vilbrandt, J.M. Goodwin, J.R. Goodwin, "Digital
Digging: Computer Models of Archaeological Sites: Enchiji in Aizu, Japan," 2001 PNC Pacific Neighborhood Consortium Annual Conference and Joint Meetings
(15-20 January 2001, Hong Kong), Computing Centre, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C.,
2001, CD-ROM Multimedia Presentation. |
S. Vyatkin, S. Chizhick, C. Vilbrandt, "Dynamic Distortion Correction
with Viewpoint Motion and Non-Static Attitude of Projector," Third
International Conference on Human and Computer HC2000 (6-9 September 2000, University
of Aizu, Japan), M. Osano. J. Herder (Eds.), 2000, pp. 182-189. |
C. Vilbrandt, "GNU++GNUbook=Meritocracy," O'Reilly
Open Source Software Convention oscon 2000 (17-20 July 2000, Monterey, CA, USA),
O'Reilly Publishers, (Invited Presenter). |
C. Vilbrandt, J.M. Goodwin, J.R. Goodwin, "Computer Models of
Historical Sites: Sazaedo - From the Aizu History Project," 1999
EBTI, ECAI, SEER & PNC Joint Meeting (18-21 January 1999, Academia Sinica,
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.), PNC Secretariat (Eds.), ISBN 957-671-626-8, 1999, pp.
489-502. |
Journal Paper |
Vilbrandt, G. Pasko, A. Pasko, P.-A. Fayolle, T. Vilbrandt, J. R.
Goodwin, J. M. Goodwin, T. L. Kunii"Cultural heritage preservation using constructive shape modeling",Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 23, No.1, 2004, pp. 25-41. , Electronic version: PDF (12 Mb)
C. Vilbrandt, "Introduction to Extending the Freedoms
of Free and Open Information," Journal of Shanghai
University (English Edition), University of Shanghai Press, Shanghai, China, ISSN-1007-6417,
Vol. 5, Suppl. (Sep. 2001), pp. 181-188. |
G.Pasko, A. Pasko, C. Vilbrandt, T. Ikedo, "Shape
Modeling Issues of Digital Preservation of Japanese Lacquer Ware and Temples," Computer Graphics and Geometry, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2001 |
S. Vyatkin, S. Chizhick, C. Vilbrandt, "Dynamic Distortion Correction
with Viewpoint Motion and Non-Static Attitude of Projector," Computer
Graphics and Geometry,
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2001 |
Book |
Damng Wei, Carl Vilbrandt, Roman Durikovic, et. al., Computer
Graphics (academic textbook in Japanese to be published
in 2001); my contribution is three chapters: F-rep / HyperFun, CAD, Computer Art;
publisher is Ohmsha, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. |