A Summary of Three Years of Contributions
Scholarly Contributions
Teaching  Contributions
Societal Contributions
Future Contributions

from 06/01/1999 to 05/30/2002
given to the University of Aizu by
Carl Vilbrandt,  Associate Professor

Active participation to various activities inside/outside the university

* UAizu Computer Science Summer Camp - August 2001: HyperFun Shape Modeling; August 2000: HyperFun Shape Modeling.
* Public Lecture Series, UAizu: "HyperFun of DIGI-DOU" (2-3 June, 2001), "Have Fun with Math While Making 3D Shapes" (October 14-15, 2000).
* Official collaboration with theFukushma Prefectural Museum, Aizu-Wakamatsu for development of digital scanning techniques for cultural heritage preservation and education; also, part of the Master's Program research for Musdi Bin Haji Shanat, Master's Program
student in the Computer Arts Lab.
* Member of :  Intl. Society of Virtual Systems MultiMedia (VSMM); Virtual Heritage Network (VHN); Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI); Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC).
* Member of : Aizu Digital Valley Promotion Assocation
Active involvement in local industries

Aizu Digital Valley Promotion Association (ADVPA), Shiokawa: sponsored 6 month internship
for two computer science engineering students from the ENSEIRB, University of Bordeaux, France in collaboration with the Computer Arts Lab, University of Aizu, to development open source free educational software.  Please see attached documents.
Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB), Tokyo:  donated 325 used Pentium class computers to the ADVPA for cluster computing and community network and education development; sponsored 8 undergraduate students from the Computer Arts Lab, University of Aizu, for 6 week internship in Tokyo with CSFB; scholarship for one Master's Program student.
HARTEC, Aizu-Wakamatsu / NEC Yonezawa Ltd./ Nippon Avionics Co., Ltd., Yokohama:
GNUbook (environmentally friendly compact computer and open hardware design) development.
Receiving research funds from an external organization

 2000 Gigabit NW Research Project Fund, No. P-27, CITEC UAizu:Thin Client/Computer Server Simulations - cooperative research with the HyperFunction Consortium, Compufarms Intl., ADVPA, and NEC Yonezawa Ltd. (1,500,000 Yen).
 Fukushima Prefectural Foundation for the Advancement of Science and EducationShape Modeling Education and Entertainment  (1,100,000 Yen).
Active involvement in holding international conferences, etc.

* University of Aizu International Academic Exchange Program - Organizing Program Chair: 1st International Workshop on Digital and Academic Liberty of Information DALI 2001 (26-29 March 2001, Univ. of Aizu); also, 2nd Intl. Workshop DALI 2002 (27-29 March 2002).
* Chair person: Libre Software Meeting LSM 2000 ( 4-8 July 2000, Univ. of Bordeaux, France).
* Referee for academic papers:
SMI 2001 (7-11 May 2001, Geneva, Italy), SCCG'2001 (25-28 April 2001, Budmerice, Slovakia), WSCG'2001 (5-9 Feb. 2001, Univ. of West Bohemia, Czech Republic), IS2000 (5-8 Nov. 2000, Univ. of Aizu), IV 2000 CAGD Symposium (19-21 July 2000, Univ. of London, UK), SMI '99 (1-4 Mar. 1999, Univ. of Aizu).
Actively leading Students Circle / Clubs

* Designium, Art Circle
*  Support Association for International Students University of Aizu (SAISUA)
Active involvement in the Internet promoting the University of Aizu

* Creation of a web server in the United States  Which includes The accqusition of the domain name U-Aizu.Net. The purchase of a web server, the setup and operaton of a web server being co-hosted at the 5th largest knock in the United States at a very low price.  This greatly increases the visibility of the University of Aizu's software department and allows secure development of web-base educational content.
* The accqusition of the domain name HyperFun.org and creation of the HyperFun web site in colabration with Professor Pasko.
* The accquistion of the domain nameGNUbook.org and the creation of a free source industral design for a enviromental friendly computer the GNUbook.
 * The accquistion of the domain name GGPL.organd the creation of  the Greater Good Public License agreement a global agreement on the development and use of digital technologies to promote digital, human and enviromental rights.
* Creation and support of the Aizu History project. on the web. A great deal of  web 3D interactive content as been created for the Aizu History project that will soon be published.
* Chairperson of the software department's Web Working Group   Designed and created a new  web site with html templates and created interactive web based progaming for the automation of the maintance of information at the softwares web site. http:\\www.u-aizu.net
* Online web base interactive educational tools, materials/tutorials
HyperFun shape modeling language tutorial  in English & Japanese, on CD-ROM and the Internet
Online HTML Tutorial for Literacy II   http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/~vilb/lit2/f1.htm
Online Operating Systems Class Resource     http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/~vilb/os/
Interactive Educational Web Based Toolkit in three parts WDbase, Wquiz, Wlogin A browser is used to login to a server and run the above three programs useing a web browser any where in the world.
* Active participation on the Internet; Subject: Google results: Carl Vilbrandt Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 06:12:58 GMT From: google@capeclear.com To: carl@ggpl.org Estimated Total Results Number = 277  The frist ten results of the google serach are listed below:

  URL  = "http://www.archimuse.com/ichim2001/bios/au_175013160.html"
  Title = "ichim 2001 : Author"
  Snippet = " ... Speakers Carl Vilbrandt Associate Professor University of Aizu Software, Computer Arts Lab Tsuruga, Ikki-machi Aizu Wakamatsu-shi Fukushima-ken 965-8580 Japan ...   "

  URL  = "http://www.archimuse.com/mw2002/bios/au_175013160.html"
  Title = "Museums and the Web 2002 : Author"
  Snippet = " ... Speakers. Carl Vilbrandt Associate Professor University of Aizu Department of Computer Software Tsuruga, Ikki-machi Aizu Wakamatsu-shi Fukushima-ken 965-8580 ...   "

  URL  = "http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/v/Vilbrandt:Carl.html"
  Title = "DBLP: Carl Vilbrandt"
  Snippet = "dblp.uni-trier.de Carl Vilbrandt. List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ Query the "Home Page Search" Engine ...   "

  URL  = "http://www.cs.ucla.edu/~jmg/ah/carl.html"
  Title = "Carl Vilbrandt"
  Snippet = " ... Carl Vilbrandt. President of Applied CAD/Art 1406 Quaker Eugene, Oregon USA. Background Data: Carl ...   "

  URL  = "http://www.cs.ucla.edu/~jmg/ah/bio.html"
  Title = "People in the Project"
  Snippet = " ... Carl Vilbrandt, associate professor of computer arts, University of Aizu, and Applied CAD/Art Carl ...   "

  URL  = "http://www.applied3d.com/res/res.html"
  Title = "VITAE"
  Snippet = " ... CARL VILBRANDT Computer Arts Lab University of Aizu Tsuruga, Ikki-machi Aizu-Wakamatsu City Fukushima, 965-8580 JAPAN email: vilb@u-aizu.ac.jp http://www ...   "

  URL  = "http://www.applied3d.com/bio.html"
  Title = "* People of Applied3D.COM"
  Snippet = " ... Carl Vilbrandt Carl Vilbrandt specializes in AutoCAD and 3D databases and provided the visual foundation for the project with 3D computer models, architectural ...   "

  URL  = "http://wwwsv1.u-aizu.ac.jp/~vilb/"
  Title = ""
  Snippet = ""

  URL  = "http://www.nevrax.org/pipermail/nel/2001-February/000169.html"
  Title = "[Nel] Computer Arts Lab"
  Snippet = " ... CARL VILBRANDT, University of Aizu Department of Software - Computer Arts Lab Tsuruga, Ikki-machi, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, JAPAN 965-8580. ...   "

  URL  = "http://guriponn.tripod.co.jp/fd_news/jan.htm"
  Title = "FreeDOS News"
  Snippet = "The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set."

This file was generated by emailing google@capeclear.com with query text as the email's 'Subject'
See: http://capescience.capeclear.com/google/