Computer Graphics
#1002  コンピュータグラフィックス論

Fall (Second) Semester 2004

Carl Vilbrandt
Fall (Second) Semester 2004
mailto: cg@u-aizu.net

Office hours: By appointment

Although it is placed at the end of this syllabus document, I strongly recommend that you read the Statement of Teaching Policy FIRST.

The course "Computer Graphics" emphasizes modern three-dimensional rendering and modeling techniques. It covers the basic notions of graphic hardware and software, techniques of graphics programming with OpenGL, 3D transformations, polygonal shading and rendering, lighting, 3D surface and solid modeling.
Getting familiar with basic computer graphics terminology
Understanding basics of OpenGL programming
Studying fundamental rendering and modeling algorithms
  • Introduction to computer graphics: hardware and software
  • Basics of OpenGL
  • Three-Dimensional Viewing
  • Local and Global Illumination Models
  • Ray Tracing, Radiocity, Statistical Methods
  • Surface Reality Techniques
  • Antialiasing Techniques
  • Computer Animation - Camera movement
  • Computer Animation - Physically-based Modeling
  • Three-Dimensional Modeling
  • Three-Dimensional Transformations
  • Representations of Solids
  • Procedural and Physically-based Modeling

IT Text
IT Text


魏 大名 先田 和弘 Roman Durikovic 向井 信彦 Carl Vilbrandt  共著
Wei Daming, Senda Kazuhiro, Roman Durikovic, Mukai Nobuhiko, Carl Vilbrandt Collaboration
A5 280頁 定価3150円(本体3000円+税) 2003/12
ISBN 4-274-13288-9
Basic knowledge of C programming
Basics of linear algebra and calculus
Term examinations
・Programming project
URL: http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/~roman/students/students.html Open GL
Shape Modeling with Real Functions
POV-Ray ray tracing software
Modeling exercises
J. Foley et al., Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, Addison Wesley.
D. Hearn, M.P. Baker, Computer Graphics, Prentice Hall (C-language version recommended)
D. Hearn, M.P. Baker, Computer Graphics with OpenGL (3rd Edition)
F. Hill, Computer Graphics Using Open GL (2nd Edition)
D. Shreiner, M. Woo et al., OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 1.4 (4th Edition)
N. Wilt, Object-oriented Ray Tracing in C++, John Wiley and Sons, 1994
F.X. Sillion, C. Puech, Radiosity and Global Illumination, Morgan Kaufmann, 1995
Siggraph and Eurographics Conference Proceedings

Student Responsibilities

Statement of Teaching Policies

The following general policies do not necessarily apply to every course that I teach or is taught at the University of Aizu; they encompass a number of policies that are commonly used. Exceptions or additions to the policies stated here will be contained within the individual course syllabus.
The expectations and workload for graduate students will typically exceed that for undergraduates. However, all students are expected to produce high quality work in both content and presentation. These expectations and the policies listed below may differ from your past experiences; hence, please read them carefully and understand them.

The first goal as a student is to be happy in finding some level of understanding with a computer where you can practice creativity and skill in the process of learning about computers (learn how to teach yourself); remember, in this digital world of expanding knowledge, no one can have all the necessary skills. As a teacher I can only be a guide for you to learn about yourself and gain some computer skills in the use of hardware, operating systems, and applications. If you learn something about how you learn and what you want to do or what you are good at with computers, then this will make the class a worthwhile experience for you and me.

Academic Honesty and Integrity : Students taking my classes are required to adhere to the university academic honesty and integrity policies. I will post the latest university rules to you by e-mail. Software projects, term papers and exercise quizzes will be submitted by computer; the use of paper will be avoided as much as possible. Your are not to submit other students' work under any condition. If you do so, you will receive an F for the entire class.

Reading Assignments: Reading assignments are given for a number of important reasons. These include, but may not be limited to, preparing students for upcoming lectures, filling in details that we may not have time to cover in class, and providing additional background material that may be needed to complete an exercise assignment or make progress on a project. Students are strongly encouraged to keep up with the reading and ask questions as they arise. The amount of reading in English that will be assigned is carefully considered. If you are unable to complete the reading in English, please let me know; other arrangements will be made, and research and reading in Japanese may also be assigned.

Class Attendance and Participation : Regular class attendance is necessary because of weekly quizzes/lecture notes. Students are strongly encouraged to actively participate in discussion and questions. Other than making the class more interesting for everyone, this helps me get to know you and the amount of effort you are putting in. Hint: This can make a difference at grading time .

Exam Attendance: Every student is required to attend midterm and final exams at the scheduled time and place. If there are legitimate circumstances that prevent attendance, this must be discussed with and approved by me prior to the date of the exam. Emergency situations must be verifiable.

Scope of Work: I expect each student to utilize all resources available to learn the material. It is impossible to cover all the material in class. Hence, your efforts must extend beyond the classroom and sometimes beyond the required text(s). Lectures will cover material in the text and supplementary material that may not appear in the text. Students are responsible for all material. Excellent projects typically involve moving ahead of the class pace with respect to limited material and research outside of the scope of regular course work.

Grading Policy: All grades are at my discretion. Translation: I shall assign each student the grade that I believe they have earned. I shall endeavor to grade fairly and indicate how grades are determined. However, there are intangibles and a degree of subjectivity in this process. I do not limit the number of any particular grade---if everyone does 'A' work, everyone will get an A. If you are not satisfied with the grade you receive, please talk to me. I can not just give anyone a grade for just attending class. If you can not do the reading in English or do not understand the work at all or can not program, please come talk to me so that I may provide you with work on a level that is understandable and useful to you.

Problems: As a teacher, I am here to help guide your academic progress and provide advice and encouragement regarding your studies, your research, and also the balance in your life. Balance is crucial for everyone. I am a human being with diverse interests and experiences---both personal and professional. I have an open door policy for students experiencing academic or external problems or who just need someone to talk to.

- updated Carl Vilbrandt October 2004