Speaker Registration - DALI 2001
Please complete and return (FAX or email) by 19 February, 2001 to: Carl Vilbrandt - vilb@u-aizu.ac.jp FAX +81-242-37-2772
Professional Title/Affiliation: Name: Name in kanji for Japanese attendees: Professional Address (including postal code): Professional Address in kanji for Japanese attendees (including postal code): Home Address in kanji for Japanese attendees (including postal code): Voice phone number: Fax number: Email address: WWW home page: Please indicate if a letter of invitation is needed (in addition to notification of acceptance by email): (1) Hotel Accommodations at Aizu-Wakamatsu Hotel
FOR (# of persons)
Twin room/Single room FROM: March (check-in date) TO: (check-out date) nights (# of nights) (2) # of guests accompanying you to the workshop banquet - Y6,000/each: (3) Audio-Visual Equipment needed for your presentation: OHP audio cassette tape player DAT video NTSC tape live projection (from HTML, Powerpoint...) Please specify any special requests.