Hi, prof. Vilb.
This is my test web page url.
This will be my new web page. It not complete yet.
My new web page will never support IE and Netscape4. It is good
for Mozilla-1.5 but it can see Netscape 6, Opera-7.2 and other
Mozilla version. (using <hr color="COLOR"> )
On Solaris8(std1 - std4), Opera and Mozilla works
/home/circle/acts/Solaris/bin/opera (Opera-7.21)
/home/student/s1061099/Solaris8/bin/mozilla (Mozilla-1.4 Japanese)
Each browser I installed. Opera is English environment
only. Mozilla is Japanese environment at first(can change language).
Opera has no problem to start up, Mozilla has some problems.
0: If you don't have ~/.Mozilla directory,
1: exit netscape and ns6 or other mozilla-bin process.
2: % mv ~/.netscape ~/.netscape.bak
3: % ~s1061099/Solaris8/bin/mozilla
4: wait... 20sec or more. (~/.Mozilla create)
0: If you have ~/.Mozilla and have no problem(slow is spec.),
1: You can restore ~/.netscape.bak to ~/.netscape
2: No problem to use with Netscape4.
3: There is a problem to use with Netscape6 or higher.
~/s1061099/Solaris8/bin/mozilla is my original start-up
script. Mozilla-1.4 cannot start-up with running Netscape6.
First starts Mozilla-1.4, after Netscape6 can work.
0: If you have ~/.Mozilla and have big problem(not works well),
1: exit netscape and ns6 or mozilla
2: % mv ~/.Mozilla ~/.Mozilla.bak
3: % mv ~/.netscape ~/.netscape.bak
4: % ~s1061099/Solaris8/bin/mozilla
5: wait...
It is better to do,
% chmod 700 ~/.Mozilla
Mozilla-1.4 will upgrade to Mozilla-1.5 if I success to compile.
My new web page, I want to switch in this year...
(When the URL will be http://mariana.u-aizu.ac.jp/~guppy)
------ The University of Aizu,Japan ------
Name: Yoshiro Takanashi
E-mail: s1061099@u-aizu.ac.jp
Department: Computer Science & Engineering
Course: Computer Software