"To state the conclusion right from the
start, what today's sophisticated consumers seek is not nice styling or
convenient functions, but the meaning of consuming. Meaning may also
mean Motivation. Consumer maturity has led to their beginning to
think seriously ..." Prof. Dr. Junichi Yoshida of Japan Desgn
This web site is a reference source for
the the development of the "Organis" busness models and serves as a FAQ
for the Greater Good Public License agreement
disscussion groups E-mails
concerning the development of Organis busness system.
Each of the selections below are
jumps to indexes of the contents of the Ogranis web site of the selection.
We hope to set up an interactive site in the near future.
Research projects.
Book list
We will try as best possilbe to create an
index to various references use for work on the Organis busness system
and paper we hope to submit. This also is a dated and publish public
disscourse on the development of Organis busness system. The
source code of the e-mail is saved in html formats.
Warmest regads,
Carl Vilbrandt, Associate Professor
University of Aizu________________________________Computer Arts Lab
Tsuruga, lkki-machi, Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Fukushima, 965-8580 JAPAN
phone 81-242-37-2792 / fax 81-242-37-2772 /
********** Subject index below latest date at the top
As per George request:
An Email
Archive by subject sorry no date and no comments. Raw eml ( it sucks
--- it shows the code no links )
An Email html
Below last email send is first....
cArl = Carl Vilbrandt George = George Dafermos
Machiavellianism Mon,
22 Apr 2002 From: George to Carl.... response to the below
sound bits by carl taking about George and Organis to a third person:
On Mon, 22 Apr 2002 09:50:40 +0900 Carl Vilbrandt wrote:
One of the outcomes of this work shop (DALI) is that he has
begun colabrating on a book called "Organis" that updateds
the theory of history materialism to eco enviromentalism elevating
the value of digial information above that of materials and processes.
The book is suggesting that the Machiavellianism that predominates current
social structures be replaced by rational determinism , that creates rational
self regulating organisms social structures. The book is suggesting a merging
of large government, business and education in to small groups that are
self regulating decentralized evolving symbiotic organistic groups
similar to organizations seen in the complex mirco rule based structures
in nature, that behave and function as very large organizations when needed.
Marxist critique
OutLine Thu, 11 Apr 2002
cGeorge's first layout good ideas.
In the last e-mail we decided on: -organisations as organisms -the
ultimate goal is environmental sustainability and management
accountability & ethical (community)governance *** Institutions
and social capital: there is a huge requirement for
"intelligence" in all developing countries and in most cases that
the issue under concern has overreaching implications
Let's do Organis Thu, 04 Apr
2002 From: George to Carl's proposal to do a book. George
lays out how we all might write it. book reference
Internet is a complex adaptive system (characteristics: emergence
of order, distributed intelligence, no central planning and self-organisation
as the spontaneous emergence of non-equilibrium
George's Abstract Sat, 23
Mar From: George to Carl & for DALI2002
On these grounds, adoption of OSS at a national infrastructure level
can potentially enable efficient markets to operate under rich dissemination
of information
Gelernter --- Tue, 27 Aug
2002 from to To: Carl Vilbrandt
Carl had pointed George to Gelernter .... from the web site....
Gelernter is a digital visionary
"Globalism, Corporatism, and open source" So this is the first part of
a series -- inspired by "Information Arts," edited by Stephen Wilson and
published by the MIT Press --
Can the Internet help slow environmental decline
Copyleft vs. Copyright: A Marxist critique
Osaka Organis Design
George's Abstract. ( not yet linked)
Extending Digital Freedoms
Research projects.
If you really want to delve deeply into the area of self organising
interdependent networks, this is the place to start along with Santa Fe
Centre for Emergent Strategies ( and their account of "heterarchies".
Prof Stacey (University of Hertfordshire - Centre of complexity) is the
most knowledgeable man in UK and I feel lucky I had the chance to meet
him in the past.
Links to web sites
* "Information Arts," edited by Stephen Wilson and published
by the MIT Press -- which deals with the new intersection of art, science
and echnology. This book is onto an enormous idea, exploring the science
and art from algorithms, robotics, quantum physics, coding, nanotechnologies,
genetic and kinetic art to electrical music, telecommunications and A.I.
Bettig, Roland V., Copyrighting Culture - the Political Economy of Intellectual
Property, (Colorado, Westview Press, 1996)
Bookchin, Murray, Post-Scarcity Anarchism, (Montreal, Black Rose Books,
Braverman, Harry, Labor and Monopoly Capital, (New York, Monthly Review
Press, 1998)
Castells, Manuel, The Rise of the Network Society, (Cambridge MA, Blackwell
Publishers, 1996)
Cohen, G. A., Karl Marx's Theory of History - A Defence, (Oxford, Clarendon
Press, 2000)
Debord, Guy, The Society of the Spectacle, (New York, Zone books, 1994)
DiBona, Chris & Ockman, Sam & Stone, Mark, Open Sources - Voices
from the Open Source Revolution, (America, O'Reilly & Associates, 1999)
Dosi, Giovanni & Freeman, Christopher & Nelson, Richard & Silverberg,
Gerald & Soete, Luc, Technical Change and Economic Theory, (London,
Printer Publishers limited, 1988)
Dyer-Witheford, Nick, Cyber-Marx, Cycles and Circuits of Struggle in High-Technology
Capitalism, (Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 1999)
Edwards Richard, Contested Terrain, (London, Basic Books, 1979)
Giddens, Anthony, A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism, (London,
Macmillan Press ltd., 1981:1995)
Hardt, Michael & Negri, Antonio, Empire, (Harvard university press,
Illich, Ivan, Tools for Conviviality, (London, Calder & Boyars ltd.,
ed. Kahin, Brian & Varian, Hal, Internet Publishing and Beyond, (America,
MIT Press, 2000)
Klein, Naomi, No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies, (New York, Picador,
Kuhn, Thomas, The Structure of Scientific ReVolutions, (Chicago, University
of Chicago reprint 3rd edition 1996)
Lessig, Lawrence, Code, (New York, Basic Books, 1999)
Lyon, David, The Electronic Eye - the Rise of the Surveillance Society,
(Polity Press 1994)
Marx, Karl, Capital, (London, Penguin Books Ltd., Vol.1, 1990)
Marx, Karl, Grundrisse, (London, Penguin Books Ltd., 1993)
Mauss, Marcel, The Gift: Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies,
(London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1988)
May, Christopher, Global Political Economy of Intellectual Property Rights
- The New Enclosure?, (London, Routledge, 2000)
ed. Mosco, Vincent & Wasko, Janet, The Political Economy of Information,
(London, University of Wisconsin Press, 1988)
Mumford, Lewis, The Future of Technics & Civilization, (London, Freedom
Press, 1986)
National Research Council, Digital Dilemma - Intellectual Property in the
Information Age, (Washington DC, National Academy Press, 2000)
Nelkin, Dorothy, Science as Intellectual Property, (New York, McMillan
Publishing Company, 1984)
Rifkin, Jeremy, The End of Work: The Decline of the Global Labor Force
and the Dawn of the Post-Market Era, (New York, G.P. Putnam's sons, 1995)
Rifkin, Jeremy, The Age of Access - How the Shift from Ownership to Access
is Transforming Capitalism, (London, Penguin Books, 2000)
Sennett, Richard, The Corrosion of Character, (New York, Norton & Company,
Sterling, Bruce, The Hacker Crackdown - Law and Disorder on the Electronic
Frontier, (London, Penguin, 1994)
Toffler, Alvin. The Third Wave, (New York, Morrow, 1980)
ed. Virno, Paolo & Hardt, Michael, Radical Thought in Italy, (Minneapolis,
University of Minnesota Press, 1996)
Wright, Erik Olin & Levine, Andrew & Sober, Elliott, Reconstructing
Marxism, (London, Verso, 1992)
* Wolpert, Samuel, Economics of Information, (New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold
Company, 1986) "Our future experience depends on our ability to learn.
Information is the core of all education and of all personal growth and
Bettig, R.V., The Enclosure of Cyberspace, Critical Studies in Mass Communication,
1997:14, p.138-157
Dunford, Richard, The Suppression of Technology, Administrative Science
Quarterly, 1987:32, p.512-525
Frow, John, Information as a Gift Commodity, New Left Review, No. 219,
Sep/Oct 1996
Grubler, Arnulf & Nowotny, Helga, Towards the Fifth Kondratiev Upswing:
Elements of am Emerging New Growth Phase and Possible Development Trajectories,
International Journal of Technological Management, Vol.5, No.4, 1990, p.431-471
Heller, A. Michael, The Tragedy of Anticommons: Property in the Transition
from Marx to Markets, Harvard Law Review, Vol.61, 1998:35, p.622-687
Lawton, Graham, The Great Giveaway, New Scientist, No.2328, Feb. 2002,
Samuelson, Pamela, Regulation of Technologies to Protect Copyrighted Works,
Communication of the ATM, 1996a:39, p.17-22
Samuelson, Pamela, The Copyright Grab, Wired, No.1, Jan. 1996b, p.134-138,
Shiva, Vandana, The Threat to Third World Farmers, The Ecologist, Vol.60,
No.6, Sep. 2000, p.40-43
Stallabrass, Julian, Empowering Technology: The Exploration of Cyberspace,
New Left Review, No. 211, May/June 1995
Volland, Craig S., A Comprehensive Theory of Long Wave Cycles, Technological
Forecasting and Social Change, Vol.32, No.2, Sep. 1987, p.123-145