Orgains is a basic design for a digital based operating system for the space craft called earth. The Orgains design is hyper function micro kernel business organisational system derived from a set of simple cellular automata rules governing the interactions of individual geographical located networked computational farms nodes of Micro Cooperatives. The Organis design supports Virtual Networked Organisations (VNO's) which are dynamic decentralized adaptive complex digital social structures that are self regulating capable of producing very complex and reliable digital services. The goals of VNO's cellular automata rules of the Orgains design is create a large number of decentralized small sustainable cellular for more than only profit business structures that incorporate the ethics of digital freedom, human rights and environmental sustainability with personal remuneration.
The Virtual Networked Organisations (VNO's) are orgamistic trans-human digitally networked cellular business structures who's sustainable is based on the creation of charters for novel non profit Micro Cooperatives (MicroCo-Ops) business entities geographically grouped in computational farm grids. Virtual Network(ed) Organisation (VNO) allows any number of geographically dispersed MicroCo-Ops of knowledge workers to virtually collaborate on a project under no central planning and were for many various central areas of focus, the roles of co-ordination and management arise from any of the project knowledge workers based on level of knowledge and interest. The definition and recognition of the operations of VNOs structures are base on the case studies of the Linux Project done by George Dafermos.
CompuFarms (CF) the physical equavelence of the VNO type structure is being envisioned and developed in Japan by Carl Sunburg. CF is the large geo political grouping of MicroCo-Ops that form a peer to peer computational farming grid nodes for various types of active data repositories, disaster recovery resources, and for government, finical and scientific simulations. The data storage and computational resources provide one source of income for the MicroCo-Ops. MicroCo-Ops would also provide digital services for local government and educational services.
The novelty of the proposed VNO MicroCo-Ops based on Greater Good Public License agreement is that the VNO/CF MicroCo-Ops create the necessary local micro business structures providing each each person that is an active member of the Geo. positioned MicroCo-Ops cells with the communications, computational and finical resources needed. The The VNO type Linux Projects, would still be base on voluntary participation in a matrix type of management were the local resources and employees pay is removed from the VNO projects and they would continue to operate as they currently do, but achieve a level of sustainablity that is not available because of there current voluntary nature.
MicroCo-Ops growth will be based on transformation of services from analog to digital and by cellular replication. MicroCo-Ops upon reaching a certain size of I/0 and resources will temporally swell its number of personal and then divide or reproduces it self in various and complex ways base on a set of simple rules governing its behavior and particularly MicroCo-Ops interaction with each other.
NanoCorp and MicroCo-Ops rule base / founding charter.
1. They are base on phyical and Geo. location.
2. The limiting size factor for personal is 1 to 26
3. The limiting I/O resource factor is based localy
4. Payment of personal is based on local wages
5. They grow by cellular replicaion. At a given size they
subdivide in to separate cellular organizations
6. They have inheritance rules base on high rates of growth
and adpatation and diversification based on low rates of growth
7. As a non profit they must achive there special indivulize goals
under a common set of ethics of GGPL agreement by charter.
The proposed rules attempt to develop computer orgnisational growth models, that exhibit both continuous sustainable growth through transformation and replication and complex unpredictable random behaviors necessary to realize the hyper functional organizational qualities including decentralize control, self organising, dynamic response, and efficiency as witnessed in the Linux project and appears to be occurring with other Libre Source projects.
"the state of nature" The Garden of Eden "that a set of simple "natural rules" genitic code (like programing ) that repsent combintory solutions worked out over centures stemming from the laws of physics of matter that express themselves in complex biological systems with no centeral control system. The "natural rules" and resulting self governing and self replcation of biological structures of gentic code really have no most no parallel to any other human social strutcture other than the Linux project.
The type of noncentralized control evolution and development of biological growth base on gentic blueprints and physical law as that respectively can not be broken or can not be easly changed because of the many levels of interactive complex behaviour does not seem to have any thing in common with anarchy nor libertarianism. The "natural rules" are simple, but exibit high level both localy and global of very controled highly organised codes boundaries and interactions, that repesent sets of various solutions for a given set of physical boundaries and indeed rules that cannot be broken and leave very little choice for a given life form.
We envision the Organis to be a business model by which payment for
development and services can be introduce to the Liber / free source Projects
with out disturbing the above mentioned organisational qualities.
It is our hope, that a digital based type of "hyper fictional micro kernel
structured" :-) earth operating system can be created that will have the
capabilities to compete with and dissolve the large inefficient global
corporate structures. NanoCorp or MicroCo-Ops entities who rather
that merely express a "code of ethics duty/obligation" for the greater
good of the public, actually provide legal binding agreements as a non-proift
entity to provide a real services locally promoting digital freedom, human
rights and a sustainable future for all.