Date: 2003/03/26 09:40
From: Carl Vilbrandt <>
To: Gerry Gleason <>
Gerry Gleason wrote:
> Absolutely! I'm pointing to this as a reason for not attempting to
> control things more closely. For example, I know that Carl is very
> insistent about the importance of the GGPL and its details, but in the
> long-run, it is absolutely critical that it is able to evolve as an
> ethical consensus of the entire community.
GGPL is about evolveing and supporting an ethical consensus of the
entire community by asking for ditital ethics and responsiblities and
this is a type of self regulation or control. If you don't ask for
ethics it will never be discussed.
Everyone should be insistent about asking for and obtaining an agreement
for the development and use of digital technologies that support
digital, human and environmental rights. A Greater Gnu Public Licenses
instead of a Greater Good Public licenses agreement would be great....
after all there is Lesser GPL.... why not the Greater GPL. I am trying
to talk Stallman in to this.... :-))
GPL's "to be use for *any* purpose" that seems now to restrict the free
source community for asking in exchange, for digital technology that is
made freely avaiable them, for an ethical agreement for the development
and use of digital technolgies seems very strange.
In fact GGPL does support GPL which is its frist provision and GGPL
could be seen as compatable to GPL.... as other variations of GPL are
now considered compatable ..... It depends on what you define as freedom
After all what is digital freedom if there are no human or enviromental
rights. One with out the other has little or even no meaning.