Date: 2002/04/22 14:04
From: George Dafermos <>
Hi Carl,
The idea is striking and very well articulated indeed and it's also great
that Carl S. has joined the team. I especiallly favour the use of the term
eco environmentalism as an emerging force (arising from changing
mentality)that seeks to replace the kinda ill-defined historic materialism.
However, I still haven't got your thoughts on the previous piece I sent
through but I do have something interesting and fresh: have you noticed a
thread going on in by the name of "Globalism, Corporatism, and
open source"? The URL is :
and I also came across a thought provoking paper on First Monday titled:
Can the Internet help slow environmental decline. Even thought it's not
that fresh as the above, there are a few good ideas there to check out.
On Mon, 22 Apr 2002 09:50:40 +0900 Carl Vilbrandt wrote:
> George - Just another piece ....
> > One of the outcomes of this work shop is that he has
> > begun colabrating on a book called "Organis" that updateds the theory
> > of history materialism to eco enviromentalism elevating the value of
> > digial information above that of materials and processes. The book is
> > suggesting that the
> Machiavellianism that predominates current social structures be
> replaced by rational determinism , that creates rational self regulating
> organisms social structures. The book is suggesting a merging of large
> government, business and education in to small groups that are self
> regulating decentralized evolving symbiotic organistic groups similar to
> organizations seen in the complex mirco rule based structures in nature,
> that behave and function as very large organizations when needed.
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