March 27-29, 2002
University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan

All submissions must be made electronically to the Proceedings Editor, by April 7, 2002. Proceedings will be available freely in electronic form; print versions will be sent after the workshop.

Recommended format for the proceedings paper:

  • file formats: PDF, PS, TXT, DOC
  • 2 -- 20 pages
  • even pages
  • double column format
  • no page numbers
  • single sided printing
    • 80mm x 245mm per column
    • 7mm space between columns
  • 11 pt size
  • include abstract and key words

Proceedings Editor:

Carl Vilbrandt
Proceedings Editor, DALI 2002
Computer Arts Lab
University of Aizu
Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima 965-8580