F a r m f o r   s a l e · C H I L E · IX. R e g i o n ·
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Trouch farming.
An « Aromo » (foreign tree) during the flower season. |
This is a small island in the river. At this island the river divides into several falls.
This beautiful part is fully hidden in the bamboo forest.
The small fall at the rocky island. Here you may find three small lakes where you can swim during summer. They are unknown for most people.
Excursion to the mountains.  
Following a hidden pathway between « araucarias and notros » |
On the top flowers are smaller but more colorful. Many plants work as natural and effective medications. As natural trees grow very slowly, they must be protected.
If you put them on your garden, you will need many years
to be able to see them high.
Commonly they are displaced by other species and disappear.